Read on the right side of history - FULL OPINION ARTICLE

Excerpt from Sumpton’s Gold Rush Gazette - Friday 7th of June 2024

OPINION - Daniel Sumpton

Many great leaders have fond memories of reading about the important figures who served respectfully before them. The words from memoirs and biographies of profoundly important people like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Richard Nixon, Robert Menzies, and more are imprinted on the brains of those from more recent governments of significance. I personally remember being inspired while reading the memoirs of former American Vice President Dick Cheney, who took inspiration from Richard Nixon. All brilliant commanders have taken from the best bits of history that came previously.

Recently though, it is hard to find strong leaders who bravely and expertly protect their nation as others have. More modern leaders seem to have such an ego that they attempt to lead without reference. In recent memory, world leaders make Orwellian, cruel, or just downright stupid decisions most of the time.They do not understand what drove the smartest big decisions, so they are unable to make strategic decisions themselves. Of course, to have smart leaders we also need smart voters. Those who ignore history and the political realm because they are uninterested in its divisive nature are failing their nation. They go into the polls and elect people as ignorant and egotistical as they are. It only ever ends in chaos.

The mainstream media has purposely downplayed and spread misinformation about recently published books from a couple of the world’s misunderstood former leaders. Why? Because they don’t want future generations to read them and grow interest in sensible, traditional, and nation-growing policies. They want a weak, scared future generation that is easy to control. If you know someone with aspirations in the government or interested in politics generally, here are two new books for them that are a MUST read. Despite being in its first reprint just days after release, the media downplayed the success of Scott Morrison’s book “Plans for Your Good.” I have strong criticisms for the former LNP leader, but there’s no doubt the Labor government which has succeeded him is FAR worse. Most importantly, Scott Morrison has put a spotlight on tradition, faith, and personal reflection in his new book. These are things leaders will need going into the future and why ScoMo’s book is a must read.

Another book suggestion I have is “Ten years to save the West” by former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss. This book’s numbers were also downplayed despite becoming a Sunday Times best seller. Mrs Truss was largely ganged up on by the media and far-left radicals. Lies and fear-mongering created chaos which led to Truss being cut down and replaced before the benefits of her leadership were able to pull through.he made many brave and morally righteous decisions while knowing most wouldn’t understand, and she paid the price. A lot of English people didn’t understand why her decisions were so brilliant and strategic so she was given the boot but her “Ten years to save the West” holds many warnings for the future. Hopefully they are listened to, because she knows what she is talking about. It is a great book for politically interested Australians to read because of the close nature between Australia and England. It serves as an important reading journey for growing an understanding for international relations.

It is important to read from the morally right side of history to stay on the right side of history. If more people shed themselves of ignorance, better leaders would be elected.


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