Excerpt from Sumpton’s Gold Rush Gazette - Friday 11th of August 2023
Representatives of local organisations who received donations from the QCWA during their 99th AGM
The Charters Towers QCWA held its 99th AGM on August 5 at the QCWA Hall. During the AGM, the new executive team was installed and many donations to various local and wider organisations were made. The local and wider organisations included the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Angel Flight, Our Town Association Inc., Saint Vincent de Paul Charters Towers, Givit, Prospect Community Services, Friends of the World Theatre, The Charters Towers Girl Guides, The Charters Towers Scouts, The Charters Towers Cancer Council, and State CWA.
The newly inducted executive team includes President Denise Schneider, Vice President Lyn Prichard, Secretary Gloria Battle, Treasurer Darlene Taylor, marketing /communications representative Jenny potter, and international representative Desley Webb.