Old truck tyres kickstart manufacturing plant in Charters Towers
Authorised by Bob Katter | Corner of Owen and Edith Streets, Innisfail, 4860 (Advertisement)
Excerpt from Issue 017 of Sumpton’s Gold Rush Gazette
(Photo provided by Bob Katter | Corner of Owen and Edith Streets, Innisfail, 4860)
A CHARTERS TOWERS business that processes old truck tyres into bases for bollards used on roadworks sites, is looking to expand with Federal Government funding.
Kennedy MP, Bob Katter, recently took a tour of ASR Investment’s processing plant with owner Alan Rowe, who is looking to use funds from the Northern Australia Development program to grow the business.
Mr Rowe will be recycling old truck tyres from Northwest Qld Council areas from Cloncurry to Charters Towers by turning them into traffic bollard bases with his mobile tyre shredding plant and with his plant based in Charters Towers…