A dark horse? An underdog? Tony McDonald’s race to the top - FULL ARTICLE
Excerpt from Sumpton’s Gold Rush Gazette - Friday 1st of March 2024
Mayoral candidate for the Charters Towers Region Tony McDonald wants a clean race leading up to the 2024 Local Government Election, and plans to win over locals with a strong business strategy.
Mr McDonald is the only candidate without mayoral experience, but has a clear vision of how Council should be run.
“I will endeavour to run a Council like a business,” he said.
“Because that’s what it is, it’s a multi million dollar business, so it’s got to be run as a business.
“I will deliver services to our customers, I will ensure that our customers get good service.
“It takes so long to get something done through Council, you put something in and it just takes too long.
“I will try and organise that sort of thing stops and we get things through Council just a little bit quicker.
“Therefore I will be delivering a service to our customers and maximising on every dollar that is put into the Council.”
Election day is fast approaching on March 16, and Council rates will no doubt be on the minds of voters when picking their favourite candidate.
Mr McDonald put forth his plan for managing Council rates.
“We've got to find alternative income into our town here,” he said.
“We can't rely on rates.
“It’s an ageing community, people don’t have the money and our rates keep going up and up and up and up.
“That’s because we don't have enough outside income coming in, we don't have the work we used to have when we had 24 graders.
“We’d get out, we’d do roadworks, all sorts of construction jobs and that would give us alternative income.
“We’ve got to look at these things, well that's what I'm hoping to do.”
Voting will be held at Charters Towers Central State School, Richmond Hill State School, Pentland State School, and Ravenswood State School on election day.